Tuesday, December 1, 2009

HW 26- Photos and Questions

For this assignment, I asked a few of my friends, and some Greenwich Village Locals, what their thoughts on "cool" were. I hoped that the questions I asked would provoke thoughtful, insightful answers.


1. Are you cool? Why do you or don't you think so?

2. Who do you think is the coolest person?

3. What makes someone cool?

4. What is not cool?

Interview #1: Claire Weinman, 16 years old, Student/ Upstairs Neighbor

1. Yes. I do think I'm cool. Pretty much because I consider myself to be independant. I mostly do what I want, and have my own unique personality.

2. I think that my Dad is the coolest person I know. He's mad chill, he's married to my good looking mother, and he's overall a boss [like Rick Ross]. He isn't running on anyone elses schedule other than his own.

3. Generally to be cool, your inner self needs to be reflected on the outside. You need to be authentic, and basically real. You can be cool in different ways, according to different people.

4. Doing something for reasons that are'nt your own. Restricting yourself becaseu your scared of how people will react to what you do. Being mean is not a cool trait, and I try not to associate with people who attack others and make them feel uncomfortable about themselves.

Interview #2: Billy Romp, 56 years old, Christmas Tree Salesman/ Mandolin Player/ Slate Roofing Contractor

1. Yea, I would say I'm pretty cool. It's Pretty self-evident, don't you think?

2. I think I would have to say my son Henry is the coolest person that I know. He plays a "kick-ass" bass guitar, is good with chicks, and knows where to get good weed.

3. The question of "what makes someone cool", is somewhat indescribable. You have to be capable of recognizing coolness. When I attended one of these philosophy "bullshit" sessions, we all came to the conclusion that being nonchalant is probably the basic concept of being cool. Its cool to not care in general, but it is cool to care for someone, or atleast pretend to. Also, it is cool to be direct with people; for example, one of the coolest people that I know is the biggest assholes. He'll say exactly what he means, and doesn't care what you think about it.

4. I think dishonesty is the least cool trait a person can have, that and you know... killing other people.

Note: Billy Romp is quoted discussing similar topics in a book called "Sidewalk" by Mitchell Duneier, and is the focus of a book about him and his family called "Christmas on Jane Street: a True Story".

(about Billy Romp & Family)

Interview #3: Emiliano, 40, Deli Manager/ General Employee ("Spyro's Deli" on 12th street and 8th avenue)

In this interview, their was a little bit of a language barrier, so his co-worker had to try and translate between myself and Emiliano.

1. I don't think that I am cool. I don't have much time to go out, and I spend most of my week working hard, and being with my family. I have responsibilities to my wife and kids, so I have very little free time.

2. I don't know who I think is cool (I suggested several actors, but he didn't seem to think celebrities were that cool. Also he seemed confused as to what I was asking)

3. Cool people go out alot. They don't work all the time like me. They have a lot of free time, and not a lot of responsibilities.

4. Yo No Se. (He didn't quite understand this question either, but when I took a picture of him, he held up the wad of money in his hand and laughed. I guess a part of what thinks is "uncool", is being poor, or lacking money.)

Interview #4: Sgt. Ricardi Santos, ?? years old, Police officer/ Precinct Manager at the 6th Precinct (Greenwich Village)

1. Absolutely, I think I'm cool. I know that because if I wasn't cool, than I couldn't deal with stress. In my job, having perspective on what you do is cool. I learned to not take things personally, and do what I am supposed to. At the end of the day this job is a job like any other, and being cool and not letting what people say get to you is pretty cool I think.

2. Bill Gates, has got to be the coolest person in my mind. Not because he is rich, but because he is charitable, and puts his wealth to good use in the world. Some people have alot of money, but they only use it for themselves. Bloomberg is an example of that, he has all the money in the world, but uses it to become mayor and help himself.

3. Being cool, is keeping to yourself, and not bothering other people. A person who helps out and is a productive member of society, with something to contribute.

4. Things that aren't cool are being cruel, having a nasty attitude, selfishness, arrogance & lacking appreciation. People who are not respectful are not cool people either.

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