Monday, March 8, 2010

HW 43- Before Bed Thoughts

I remember my first day of school not first hand, but through bits and pieces I've strug together from pictures, video and what little memory I have from that age. I remember that I was focused on making friends, meeting people. I was learning how to interact with people, and virtually no actual work was assigned. I particularly recall playing alot with blocks. I think that I always liked building and putting things together. When I got to school on the first day, the people I met were the kids who also gravitated towards the blocks. Even at a young age, we found friends in those who shared our common interests.

Now I find that I have the same interests, but I no longer get to build in school. Because of art class (and my father teaching me to draw), I became interested in art. Because of recess I loved to play and I became athletic. Today, these oppertunities are no longer available to me in school. Pursuing what I want to do is not something that has a place in school apparently. We are told that we are supposed to do work in school, not play or build.

I still feel this urge to be creative and explore even in the 12th grade. I can't take the time right now to draw, because I am supposed to be writing this journal. I want to learn the piano, but I need to wait until afterschool on a day where I don't have homework and I don't have to study. We are given a little freedom at the beginning of our time at school, and from that point on we are given schedules and must adhear to them. The freedom that I had as a kindergartener I don't think was childish, but apparently it is not appropriate after a certain age. Personally, and quite frankly I think this is propoganda, framing creativity as the equivilant to laziness, and promoting essay writing and mathematics as worth while.

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