Monday, January 11, 2010

HW 33 - Cool Paper Outline

Thesis: Becoming accustomed to defining ourself as individuals in the physical world makes us unable to present ourselves as thinking and feeling people,but instead as consumers and competitors amongst ourselves.

Today, as I am in the middle of my senior year in high school, I am realizing the reality of the fact that in a few months I will be accepted to and rejected from an array of colleges I just applied to. Than in a few months more, I will be going to college, and years later, I will be looking for a job. I know that I want to be successful, and I know that I define success through money, possessions and having a family (that I can support).

But as a concerned person, I want to do something that benefits others as well as myself. The loner mentality has eliminated community in human society, and created a new concept of self sufficiency. While we all want to claim to be self sufficient, we really all do rely on one another in highly significant ways. '

It has become commonplace that teenagers in industrialized countries are shown wealth as the bottom line for what it means to be successful. The competition between us leads us to become more self aggrandizing and lavish our wealth not on the community (keeping in mind that it is all but gone), but instead ourselves and those close to us.

Becoming "fresh" in New York is a common practice amongst teenagers in New York City, and most cities around the world. It's all about being dressed the best and looking the most put together. I like to wear nice clothes, but recently I came to realize that a certain triviality lies in this pursuit. "Getting fresh", like other consumer pursuits, has one goal, but no skill nor any constructive aspect to it. The ability to be more or less fresh relies on the access to money that the person has, serving as another outlet for people to compete and flaunt their wealth i.e. success.

self fufiling prophecy:

the world has limited options, we try to 1up eachother and have created this consumeristic competition which has worked heavenly for business. Our self made consumer haven has been so profitable, that almost all facets of our lives have been marketed and tailored to fit peoples ideas of what is socially acceptable,and of course benifiting corporate customer bases

i.e. the gym has become a way to enhance our physical appearence, and has also made us more driven and energetic workers.

being more successful = having more money. since a better job= more money, we compete with eachother to become the richest, thus the most suessfull, thus the harder worker, benefiting the corporate structure, which often yields far lower than we put in.

Society in the human race began in a tribal form, and at first was not only about community, society was synonamous with community. Being able to get along with your peers was not a skill, it was programmed into who you were. If you didn't get along,you were kicked out of the tribe, and you wouldn't survive.

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