Sunday, May 16, 2010

HW 56- Interviews and Survey Questions


1. Do you generally put your own best interests before the interests of those around you? If not, how do you decide when to, and when not to do so?

2. Have you ever put someone down to make yourself feel better?

3. Do you ever feel used? Do you ever think you have used someone for your own benefit?

4. What do you think defines a successful life?


Person #1: Mike Krieger

1. I generally put my interests first, but attempt to consider the interests of others, when I am making decisions that are going to affect a lot of people.

2. I most likely have, I tend to try to avoid doing so intentionally, however I believe it is human nature sometimes to put someone below you, in order to attain a feeling of self dignification.

3. I dont often feel used, sometimes I feel I am being used for simple things, like when people copy my homework for example, however I also tend to try to aviod using people for my own personal benefit.

4. I define a successful life in achieving the goals that one might set or might just happen to come up throughout ones life, also attaining happiness is something that cannot be overlooked in determining a life successful or not.


Person #2: Sebastian Gomez

1. Well, personally, I put my interests before those around me. I'm not trying to sound self centered or ego centered, but the interests of those around me are not of my concern. It is more important to put my interests first then those of others simply because what interests me will affect how I feel and so forth.

2. Yes, i have. It's human nature to put others down to boost one's confidence or self esteem. Everyone does it.

3. At times I do. Although I do not publicily express it. Sometimes it is easy to mistake helping someone in dire need for being used. it's hard not to use people. It's fun

4. Well, a successful life could be one of two things. First, it could be the stereotypical "rap phenomenon" where money, clothes, and cars show success. The other is a much more honest approach, one who enjoys waking up everyday to go to work and is respected by those he loves, one who earns a honest and decent living. to be honest, i'd prefer the first one.


Person #3: Kira Munson

1. No i don't. I don't like making people unhappy.

2. Hmmm...Yeah probably subconsciously, but not on purpose.

3. I guess both, but i get used sufficiently more than I use other people

4. Comfort and happiness.


Analyzing Interviews

For the most part, people seemed to respond pretty honestly. I think that between these three people that I interviewed, I was fortunate to get an array of responses. Mike gave me answers that revealed he prefers to focus on himself, but makes attempts to help people other than himself. Across the board, Sebastian, Mike and Kira all admitted to some degree of interacting, or acting in the interest of themselves. Sebastian said he preferred to indulge himself, and his goals in life were more about himself than others. Kira admitted to using people sometimes, but she said that often she felt more like the "used" rather than the "user".

After conducting these interviews, I think that a statement I would like to have included in the Student Survey is;

"I often put myself before my friends" (strongly agree/ disagree, scale of 1-5)

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