Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Homework #5- Response to Comments

After commenting on other peoples blogs and reading the comments that I had received on my own blog, I took the time to respond to the comments which Beatrice and Marco made. The following is what I wrote in response to the well formulated comments which they both wrote.


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. I really thought that what you said was useful and it made me re-evaluate how I structured my post. I got the sense that you didn't just read through my post, but considered it and than shaped your response based on what I wrote, not the gist of what I wrote.

I realized that although I do articulate the problem of technology creating a modern society which is apathetic, you recognized that I do not offer any solution as to how I would solve this problem.

The idea that I came up with after reading your post, was that it should become more advertised that their is a great value in physical activity, and youth sports organizations need to be emphasized to prevent this trend from continuing over the next generations. This could be done in a similar way to the "Verb" ad campaign on the Nickelodeon cartoon network, which focused on daily activity and healthy active children.

I think that as valid as your comment was, my post was supposed to be about the problem and describing the effect of technology on society. It was not really intended to discuss the solution to something which may or may not be a problem (in my opinion it is).

What can be said though, is that you brought up a "missing part" of my post which I would probably write about if I were to expand my post into a larger essay or piece. I really was wondering the same thing as you when i had finished my post, but I decided not to go into the solutions at the time.



First of all, gook looks on the comment. I thought that you put your time into it and I really was interested by how you applied your own experience about jogging less and less as you use technology more and more, to what i wrote about in my post.

The reflective aspect of your post was quite helpful in how I looked at what I had written, and than concluded about my post. Whether or not I felt that I had written standard rhetoric, or if I had a realistic point about our society was answered by your post.

The fact that you expressed regret not being as physically active due to technology, showed me that just because someone isn't highly active doesn't mean that they don't recognize it. I realized that the danger is that we don't recognize the lack of activity, not so much that we don't participate in the physical activity. If we recognize it, than we can correct it, but if we don't, than frankly, we're fucked.

Your comment on my post was alot better simply for the reason that it was very pertinent to what I actually wrote. Your point recognized my main arguments and compared them to a real world setting, making your comments really thought provoking.

I really liked how you recognized that I was slightly dramatic in my main piece, and because of that, your comment showed me that you understood why I added in that little P.S. at the end of my post.

Once again, thank you for carefully responding to my post, and I appreciate that you understood the points that I was trying to get across.

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