Sunday, September 27, 2009

Homework #6-Video Project

For this assignment, Andy had us make a video of ourselves being stimulated by technology. It was a pretty self-reflective assignment and in the end I realized that I really do look hypnotized by the computer screen. Also given the amount of times I changed the music I was listening to in only about two minutes made me think about how technology is completely destroying what is left of my attention span.

The most intense realization that I had since we started this unit though, came after I stopped recording and was editing my video. I was watching the video on imovie, and while editing it, I thought for a second that I left the camera on. It was so strange but remarkable to me, that I found myself in almost the same exact position, doing what appeared to be the same exact thing as I was editing, as I was doing in that very video. What this showed me was that their is a distinct difference between what we are actually doing in real life, and what we do on screen inside of the digital world.

On the outside, the finger movements, the reactions, the physical use of my computer is 100% the same every time. This is really weird considering that right now, while typing this for my homework, I am positive that I look exactly the same as when I was listening to itunes, taking a video of myself, talking on AIM, and on facebook. So if their isn't a tangible difference between what I'm doing on screen and what I appear to be doing, from the P.O.V of anyone observing me on the computer, than what am I actually doing?

My History Video 2009 from Jakob Friedman on Vimeo.


  1. Jakob,

    Good point about the deja vu while editing. I had that too, but didn't put it into words.

    We are physically doing the exactly same thing from the outside but experiencing something (at least somewhat) different on the inside. Interesting.

    Can you change the title so your full name isn't showing on the Vimeo link?

  2. Jacob, I liked how you compared the experience of making the video editing it and writing about it in the blog, I found that thought to be very insightful. I like how the digital world can let us do millions of different things in our minds in the same exact position, however the downside to that is we don't get exercise for our bodies.

    This idea of retaining the same position and doing several different things is the beginning of the answer to the question "why is the internet so addictive" being able to do anything from your home is an amazing ability. The internet grants us power and people naturally want power. Great post, I hope to hear more interesting thoughts from you in the future.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey!
    I really like your writing in comparison to your video. I thought you made a good point in asking, "So if their isn't a tangible difference between what I'm doing on screen and what I appear to be doing, from the P.O.V of anyone observing me on the computer, than what am I actually doing?" That's interesting to think about. I also liked how you noticed things about yourself e.i. seeing yourself change songs often led you to conclude your attention span is a little fucked up.

    I also liked how your blog post wasn't the typical, "Woah I'm like soo0oO sucked up by technology it's crazzzy!" kind of post. I thought you delved more into the assignment.

    Umm for the most part I don't think you need to expand on anything.

    Also I find that I can't listen to an entire song either, I'm always wanting to find the next one. Maybe digitalization can't keep me satisfied or my attention span is tainted? Or both? Hmm.

    So yeaa see ya.

  5. Good point about the attention span; we cannot even read a 3 line sentence without remembering what the first two lines said.

    And again, you brought up the fact that yu were doing the same thing you did 5 minutes before (I am assuming you started editing right after you shot the video). Imagine that for 15 minutes or maybe even half an hour. No offense but I was kinda bored watching it (mine was not any better though).

    When you said that, it reminded me of Sandy's video. I don't know if you seen it, but she took a video of herself and then took a video of herself editing the video. It was kinda cool for a moment, but when you think about it, watching yourself do that same thing over and over again gets boring.

    I noticed that you were on your laptop? and that you are not on a computer desk like most people are in the video. This, I guess is a good thing because we can get comfortable in our beds, doing homework. But, we get too comfortable that I think it is making it harder for us to cut back on computer.

    Even right now, I am on a laptop typing this comment to you. It is still a little painful but it beats sitting on a chair. I am actually about to fall asleep so when I am finished writing this comment, I will slide under my covers.

    Thanks for the new ideas, good night.
